SAMCRA Privacy Policy

The Southern Institute of Steel Construction (SAISC) and its sub-association (SAMCRA, SASFA, and POLASA) take your privacy seriously, not only because the Protection of Personal Information Act requires it, but because we place a high value on our relationship with our members and other stakeholders in the built environment.

We have taken measures to ensure that your information is kept confidential and protected.

  1. Your details are never shared with, traded with or sold to any third parties.
  2. Your personal information is securely stored.
  3. You have control over all communications received via email. At any point, you can manage or change your subscription settings using the link at the bottom of the email message.
  4. Privacy violations are extremely serious, and we treat them as such. If your privacy has been violated by the Southern African Institute of Steel Construction or one of our sub-associations, please contact us
  5. You have the ability to unsubscribe from receiving all communications from the Southern African Institute of Steel Construction or its sub-associations (SAMCRA, SASFA, and POLASA) by opting to be added to our “Do not contact” list.
  6. You may request that your details be removed from our database entirely. We will then put your email address on our suppression list so that they can never be added to the SAISC database again.If you have any questions further regarding how we store or use your data please email us.